Monday, July 19, 2010

A few more things for baby girl..

I can't stop making things for baby girl! It is just so FUN to make girly things!!!
Wanted some sweet bloomers with her name for pictures!

I only had 2 burp cloths so I made some frilly girly ones for Miss Emery! Got to get some more burps so I can make her a few more!!

This was my first attempt putting ribbon on the bottom of the burp cloths. I have to say I didn't do that great of a job sewing in a straight line. I think I am going to try heat and bond next time. What do you other fellow sewers do to make the ribbon look so good on the bottom???


  1. Sew in the same direction on both sides of the ribbon and that keeps it from bunching up. I pin mine down in just a few places so it doesn't move either. Everything looks great! Emery is a gonna be a dolled up little princess!

  2. I love your appliques!!! What kind of machine do you use and what software do you have to get the designs on your machine? And as for the ribbon trick, I sew in the same direction on both sides and take it slow at first. Before you know it you will be a pro!! Congrats on your baby girl.
